What People Are Saying


“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Quote Source

“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

— Quote Source

An accretion of things.

I’m Janice.

I am the Jackest of all Trades in the truest of ways. I have just enough knowledge about just enough things to make me either incredibly interesting or absolutely insufferable. (Be nice to me and say interesting. Thanks!)

This blog will be exposing my current hyper-fixation and watching them scatter like roaches when you turn on the kitchen light. So expect a scattershot of topics, updated so infrequently that you may thing the blog is abandoned, written as a stream of consciousnesses that will be mostly understandable but hopefully entertaining.

Strap in and enjoy the ride. Full disclosure, I probably will not.